Homework Policy


For the purposes of this policy, homework is defined as educational tasks to be completed during non-class hours, including assignments such as research, work not completed during the school day, study time which includes preparation for upcoming unit tests or exams, and other work which has not been specifically assigned.


● Homework is a planned part of the educational process designed to enhance learning.

● Homework is an aid in building life-long learning skills including self-discipline, time management, responsibility, independence, initiative and problem solving.

● Homework is a means of helping students realize that learning takes place not only in the school setting, but in a variety of settings.

● Homework serves as a bridge between the school and the home.

● Homework serves to promote individual learning and creativity.


● Homework will be considered in student assessment.

● Student effort on assigned homework will be recognized and rewarded.

● Homework / Student Effort will be considered as 10% of the grade assigned to each subject area per term.

● If after escalating levels of intervention, the assignment is not passed in then there will be a penalty imposed.

● Escalating levels of intervention will include:

● On the day the assignment is due, the subject teacher will speak to the student individually. The student will be required to stay in their class recess and lunch time to finish the assignment. They will eat their recess and lunch in the class.

● On the second day if the assignment is not passed in, a call will be made to the parent/ guardian. On the third day if the assignment is not passed in, 10% per day will be deducted for lateness beginning on the third day. A referral will be made to the office if an assignment is not passed in on time. After 5 days, the assignment will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero.

● This applies to first offences only. For a second assignment, marks will be deducted immediately.

● After contact has been made the penalty for assignments that are not completed on the due date will be 10% for each day late. After 5 days, the assignment will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero.


● Homework should be assigned with specific instructional purposes and related to classroom activities, themes, outcomes, etc.

● All teachers of a particular class should be aware of the homework tasks assigned to students to ensure that overload does not occur. The subject teacher is responsible to ensure that homework is written on each board for students to copy.

● Assignments that are important for review will be corrected and returned prior to a test.

● Whenever applicable, concise written instructions would ensure that parents have a clear understanding of the tasks involved.

● New concepts should never be introduced as homework tasks. Exceptions to this could include work assigned due to absence from school (eg. illness, travel, etc.) or pre-reading activities prior to new units being introduced in class.

● Students should be given reasonable notice for the study for chapter tests / quizzes. At least 2-3 school nights is recommended. It is also recommended that students be given study guides for such tests outlining:

● important vocabulary

● important concepts to review

● important pages, worksheets, etc. to review

● When homework assignments are consistently not being completed, teachers are responsible to contact the home through telephone call and/or Office Referral.

● When a student consistently fails to complete homework assignments, and after appropriate intervention by the teacher with the parents/guardians have been made with no significant results, the school administration should become involved in the process.

● Time should be made each day for students to record homework tasks and prepare materials for homework assignments. HOMEWORK NOTEBOOKS / AGENDAS SHOULD BE USED TO RECORD DAILY HOMEWORK TASKS. Regular checks of these agendas by both teacher and parent/guardian is extremely important. Parental signatures or initials each evening is recommended, particularly in Grade 6.

● Monitoring of homework tasks for accuracy and completion by the teacher is essential.


● To become aware of the expectations for homework at each grade level through the parent package given at Parent Orientation, and through the homework policy of the school which will be sent home and signed.

● To provide a constant time and place for home study.

● To check agenda to find out exactly what homework has been assigned to their child each evening. To check the Homework site regularly for assigned work.

● To assist child if he/she needs help.

● To check child's homework for accuracy and completion.

● To encourage their child in forming good study habits and independent learning.

● To explain instructions when necessary.

● To emphasize to the child the importance of home study.

● To arrange for someone to pick up their child=s homework whenever the child is absent from school for any reason.

● To inform the child's teacher if they recognize an area that is posing a major difficulty for their child.


● To record assigned homework in a homework notebook / agenda every day. Students should not rely on getting their homework on-line from the web page as maintenance may prohibit the web page form being viewed.

● To take home all materials necessary to complete the homework assignments for the evening.

● To complete assigned work to the best of their ability.

● To make their parents aware of test dates and assignment due dates.

● To complete any class work missed due to an absence.

● To observe deadlines set for projects, research and other written work. Penalties will be incurred if work is late.

● To share evaluation results with their parents/guardians.

● To arrange for someone to pick up their homework whenever they are absent from school for any reason.


Grade 5............................................................... 50 minutes maximum

Grade 6............................................................... 60 minutes maximum

Grade 7............................................................... 70 minutes maximum

Grade 8............................................................... 80 minutes maximum

Grade 9............................................................... 90 minutes maximum

Note: Both teachers and parents/guardians should be flexible in these assignments. Children are NOT required to complete the maximum amount of time each night.